Sunday, February 13, 2011

Weeks 4 and 5

Notting Hill

Clothing store with full window displays of Singer sewing machines
Portobello Market

Portobello Market

Portobello Market
Shannon's Pub in Notting Hill

Wall of Album Covers

Portobello Market

On the way to the Arsenal game in the absurd hail storm
Emirates Stadium, yay Arsenal!!

Emirates Stadium

Arsenal football game

Arsenal football game

Arsenal football game, 13 rows from the field, not too shabby

Arsenal scores!

Arsenal football game

Tori & me at the game

Last weekend was pretty uneventful, but I did get to go to Notting Hill for the Portobello Market.  London absolutely loves their markets.  There has to be over 100 different markets here, no complaints from me, they are all slightly different and rather cheap, so the more the merrier in my opinion.  I am still waiting to go to the Columbia Road Flower Market, it is suppose to be amazing, just rows and rows of flowers every where, what more could I ask for considering nothing makes me happier than flowers!  
And for those bragging about snow days and couple days off from school on Facebook, felt I should let you know the weather has been beautiful in normally gloomy London, in the 50's and sunny, spring like weather!  
During the week I did not do much besides school and my internship, however, I did go to see The King's Speech, arrived an hour early and yet the movie was still sold out.  So we ended up seeing Black Swan.  This is by far the most messed up movie I have seen in my life.  Name any Stephen King movie and this one will top it for craziest movie.  At first/ during the movie, I did not like the movie at all, however, looking back on it, it was actually a really good and creative movie and I recommend seeing it.  But while we were waiting for the movie to start, since we arrived so early, we went into the cinema's connecting pub.  There was a band performing called Brassroots, it consists of about 6 guys playing popular songs on brass instruments.  They were phenomenal!  Then in front of the stage there was a break dancing competition going along with the music.  It was honestly probably the coolest thing I have ever seen.  
This weekend I went to an Arsenal football game.  I had no idea how difficult it is to obtain tickets.  Apparently unless you are a season ticket holder or willing to dish out some major cash, good luck.  Well luckily enough, my friend Tori works with this guy who is a season ticket holder and was not interested in going to the game on Saturday, so we jumped on that opportunity quite quickly.  The atmosphere was very different than the atmosphere at American games, the fans were not there to socialize one bit, they were there solely for the game, no Cubs' bleacher bums.  There were various Arsenal songs and chants that every single fan seemed to know, one person in the stadium that holds at least 60,500 people would start singing and then the whole stadium would join in, in complete unison.  It sounded as if they were playing it over the loud speakers, it was incredible.  I was warned that fans can get obnoxious and rowdy, but I have heard that that is mostly the Liverpool fans and Tottenham fans.  I did hear more stereotypical british words like bullocks, rubbish, and even a bloody which is apparently a really vulgar word here, that was the first time I have ever heard anyone say it in the five weeks I have been here.  
Still no personal sightings of the Royal fam, but one of my friends who also interns at Eurosport with me saw Prince Harry walking out of a restaurant by our work last Friday night, so it is possible to catch a glimpse of a royal.

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