Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Weeks 6 & 7

British Wicked!

Gross live modern art, note the live flies everywhere and the real cows head under the table with blood around it

London Fashion Week


Caerphilly Castle

Caerphilly Castle

Caerphilly, Wales

If you look closely you can see the Welsh writing

Caerphilly Castle

Caerphilly Castle

Caerphilly Castle

View of Caerphilly from a top tower of the castle

The ladies in the castle

All ready to go down into the still working mine, possibly the worst job in the world.

Tintern Abbey

Tintern Abbey

Tintern Abbey
All of us at Tintern Abbey
Tintern Abbey

Tintern Abbey

Tintern Abbey
 I have to leave to go out in 15 minutes so this is just going to be a brief summary of my past two weeks.  Week 6, nothing much exciting happened, mostly work and school- it was their "midterm" type week so was a pretty busy and uneventful week.  But I did get to see Wicked for free, which was really exciting.  It was strange seeing Wicked performed by people with British accents.  It was still good though, but still not nearly as good as broadway.  That was about it for week 6.  Week 7 was still a lot of work and Uni.  But I got to go to Wales this past weekend so that was quite exciting.  I had a lot of fun, but my return to Wales is highly unlikely.  It was nice to escape the city and see actual greenery.  We saw Caerphilly Castle, a museum of Welsh life which is pretty comparable to New Salem, some ruins that were not explained what they were, and we got to go down into a working coal mine.  After this experience, I will never complain about any job I have.  It was very scary being down there, very cold, if you do not shut doors behind you, you can suffocate, pitch black, luckily we had our handy helmets with lights attached, and the ceilings were very low; I feel like there should be some sort of height limit to work in the mines.  On our way to the hostel we were informed that Wales is known to be the biggest place for binge drinking and for getting pretty rowdy.  I thought there is no way Wales could beat out the States for binge drinking, I was very much mistaken.  Although the club we went to was really fun, semi civilized and clean, once we walked out of the club, there were people throwing up everywhere!  It looked like Lincoln St. in Chicago on St. Patty's day, but with no special occasion.  So Wales was fun, will not be going back, and that is about all for week 7.  This week looks to be pretty uneventful as well, but will take pictures of my daily routine; my dorm, work, Uni, the tube at rush hour, etc.  

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