Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First Couple Days In London

So this is my third full day in London and I do absolutely love this city!  It is very similar to Chicago or New York, but much older looking, so in my opinion, a little more interesting to look at.  The study abroad program has kept us pretty busy with walking tours, which have been nice.  It is hard to remember I am in London when walking around at times, it just seems like some city in the US, until someone around me speaks or I come upon a crosswalk and need to look to the opposite direction than I am used to.  Which is actually a lot more difficult than one would think. 
Everyone here has been super friendly and their accents are completely adorable! I do not think they will ever get old.  And to those of you who said the food sucks, I beg to differ.  The food has been absolutely delicious.  And although everything has been going well, still no sightings of Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley for those non- Harry Potter lovers) nor the Royal family.  But tomorrow some of the study abroad people are doing touristy things so hopefully a sighting of Buckingham Palace!  Oh and for those of you who would like to keep up with London fashion, grab yourself a fur coat, tights, and some motorcycle boots.  Not necessarily together.