Monday, January 24, 2011

Two Weeks Into London

My first experience with fish and chips, looks disgusting but tastes delightful

London Marathon Store! Some day...

The Tate Modern

St. Paul's Cathedral and the Harry Potter bridge from the 6th movie

Millions of hand painted porcelain sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds once again

Harry Potter/ Death Eater bridge

Cute little shopping street near school

Little vespa benches in the Camden Market
I have been in London for a tad over two weeks.  And am still absolutely loving it!  My internship has been wonderful.  I love the people, they could not be any nicer nor any funnier.  I still cannot get enough of their accents.  I can already tell I will have issues when I go back to the US and hear that dreadful Chicago accent in place of the beautiful british accent.  They have made me feel right at home immediately.  The office is in Covent Garden, which is adorable, tons of cute shops, little pubs and restaurants.  I am actually doing real work at the internship, not just refilling everyone's coffee or tea, which is nice. 
I have not done anymore touristy things unfortunately, but I am going with some friends to see Buckingham Palace sometime this week.  I got to go to the Tate Modern Museum for my Art and Society class.  It was interesting, but not really my cup of tea, not the biggest fan of modern art.  But we got to cross the bridge in Harry Potter that the Death Eaters tore apart in the sixth movie so that was pretty exciting.  I also went to Camden which is a sight to see.  I cannot even explain it, it is a long street turned into a market that then has little side streets everywhere taking you even farther into the market.  It was really fun and had delicious food stands with basically any kind of ethnic food imaginable.  This Saturday I am going to Stonehenge and Bath which is very exciting! I will be glad to venture a little farther out of London finally!

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